Yes—with 3 Ls

group meetings
with ease

Find the right date without the back and forth.


Everything you need to get the job done

Time slotsNew

If you need more granular options, Rallly lets you choose time slots as options. If your participants are international, they can see times in their own time zone.

Mobile friendly design

Rallly is optimized to look and work great on mobile devices so you and your participants can use it on the go.


Need help staying on top of things? Rallly can send you an email whenever participants vote or comment on your poll.


Got a question or just have something to say? You and your participants can comment on polls to start a discussion.


We're not like the others

No login required

We keep things simple and don't ask for more than what we need.


The codebase is fully open-source and available on github.


Run it on your own server to get full control of your data.


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